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MidiMeow, a midi to wav/ogg/mp3 converter


Click here for the previous version

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FAQ and How to use ?

1- How to use ?

a) Click on "In" and select your midi file as input
b) Click on "Out" and give to your output a name
c) Select your output type, the extension will be added automatically. If you choose Mp3 you can now choose you output rate (128 kbps and 192 kbps) using a new built-in menu.
d) If you want you can change the sample rate and the channel (mono/stereo). You can notice here that i've changed these rate.
e) If you keep the volume presets (the two checked boxes) , you'll notice that usually the midi sound volume decreases (20% of the maximum) and the wave output is totally off. Note that now the software uses two different boxes. If you change the presets, be warned that a high midi imput gives a metallic sound (same thing if your record setting is too high for a given midi output).
If you switch on the wav output you can change the resulting record. This may be eventually used to add a second sound to the output file, but it assumes that you can play two sounds in the same time.
f) If you want, you can change your sound card's settings from the software. This part of the software is not needed in order the software works correctly, and it was already true with the previous version, since you should be able to do the same thing with the sound mixer interface of your sound card's driver. This feature has been added for convenience since the two track bars used to change the sound output may not work on all systems, and since some people may need to set some other settings manually in order the software works correctly. In function of the mixer's track you select you can notice that some are - mono - and some are - stereo - this involves the sound card settings and NOT the resulting file (you may record a mono input in a stereo file, be warned of this).
g) If you click on "restore sound settings at exit: each time this option goes from the state= unchecked to the state=checked, the current sound card settings are saved and if this option is still checked while exiting, every tracks of the mixer are set to the volume they were at the moment where the box has been checked.

h) click on start to "start" to listen and click on "convert" to start conversion
i) Wait until the file is played, at this moment, if you have choosen a wav input, the job is done, if you have choosen mp3 or ogg, just wait until conversion is done (you get a small message windows)

2- The software crashes

It shouldn't :o( however be warned that wav conversion to mp3 or ogg may take time
If you have problem with your sound output, just go to your sound card settings and change them, since the software change some setting automatically.

3- I'm not able to close the software

This may happen if you try to close the software while it is playing a sound file, just click on the stop button, the previous order to close the software should close it directly. If you have an other problems, it is unknown bug.

4- i've no sound on my files

First you have to understand that what does midimeow is very easy. Midimeow reads the sound of a file (midi files but i would work with other formats), and record it. If needed midimeow converts the resulting wav file to an ogg file or a mp3 file. So if you have no sound on a resulting file, it means that:
- or you don't read the file during conversion
- or that you don't record the resulting file while reading the file
Very easy.
So first check your sound card's setting, be sure that you have a midi ouput and the your computer is able to read midifile according to your current setting and your midi instruments. The esiest way to check if it is good is to open a midi file for reading, using an other player.

Now check if the record setting of your soundcard allows to record something (if you have set the record level of your sound card to zero, it just can't work).
To check if it's ok, you could for example, try to use windows's sound recorder to see if you can record your voice, if it doesn't work it means that there's a problem with the settings of your sound card.
If you can and read and record and if it doesn't work it's possible that midimeow don't work on your computer, however feel free to try again because sometimes it seems to happen (and close all sound applications that are open on your computer).
The software works on windows 98.

4b- Known bugs

-I can't open the zip file: open the archive with 7-zip
-I have no sound on my file: see the previous section, however, from time to time it happens (this is a known bug). The easier way to fix is to try again with all sound application closed.
- I can only make one ogg file: It is a bug with the dll we are using (fixed in the next version) just close the programm and start again for each file :/

5- Greetings section

To Lionel93, administrator of the french board of busker (click here for busker) for some ideas and a feedback, same thing forthe other testers of the board.
To triblonto, webmaster of acanumlab (a website related to Arcanum) for the idea of the software.
And the two beta testers who mailed me (AW and JR). If you are one of them just mail me and i post the nickname of your choice here with a link to your webpage if you have one.
For feedback and requests/complaints and other stuffs mail me at:
meow at meow-prod dot com
