MidiMeow, a midi to wav/ogg/mp3 converter
This software is no more available, please use MeowMidi2Mp3
Click here for the help file.
1- How to use ?
Click here for the help file.
2- The software crashes
Mail me if you can tell me what you are doing each time it happens, or if it happens often, what is your configuration (OS version, sound card...) (see at the bottom of the page for my mail)
3- I'm not able to close the software
This may happen if you try to close the software while it is playing a sound file, just click on the stop button, the previous order to close the software should close it directly. If you have an other problem, it is unknown bug. In any case, it happens because there is something in a busy state.
4- i've no sound on my files
- or that you don't record the resulting file while reading the file
- or the conversion is bad (wav file but no mp3 after the conversion)
So, first check if you can make wav files:
You could have a problem with your bitrate settings with mp3 and ogg (the ability to convert at a given bitrate may change from a file to an other and it seems hard to predict with borderline settings (like Mp3, 128 Kbps, 22050 Hz) if a file will give what you want or not. It seems related with lame_enc.dll. I just can't fix it. This is a problem with conversion, so check with other settings. For less litigious settings, i've set a limit for bitrate, in function of your sampling frequency and in function the bitrate you want.
-Then check your sound card's settings, be sure that you have a midi output
and the your computer is able to read midifile according to your current
settings and your midi instruments. The easiest way to check if it is good
is to open a midi file for reading, using an other player (please use "window
media player"). Also since MeowSetMix tries to do a conversion from
midi to wav, so with your default settings you should be able to do conversions.
You could have a problem with your bitrate settings with mp3 and ogg (the ability to convert at a given bitrate may change from a file to an other and it seems hard to predict with borderline settings (like Mp3, 128 Kbps, 22050 Hz) if a file will give what you want or not. It seems related with lame_enc.dll. I just can't fix it. This is a problem with conversion, so check with other settings. For less litigious settings, i've set a limit for bitrate, in function of your sampling frequency and in function the bitrate you want.
Now check if the record settings of your sound card allow to record something (if you have set the record level of your sound card to zero, it just can't work).
To check if it's ok, you could for example, try to use windows's sound recorder to see if you can record your voice, if it doesn't work it means that there's a problem with the settings of your sound card.
The software works on windows 98/XP/Vista
5- Thanks to
To Lionel93, administrator of the french board of busker (click here for busker) for some ideas and a feedback, same comment for the other testers of the board.
To triblonto, webmaster of acanumlab (a website related to Arcanum
And the
two beta testers who mailed me (AW and JR). If you are one of them just
mail me and i post the nickname of your choice here with a link to your
webpage if you have one
For feedback and requests/complaints and other stuffs mail me at: